Limpopo, South Africa (TAE)-In a devastating incident on Wednesday, a bus full of worshippers veered off a bridge in South Africa, resulting in the death of at least 45 individuals, with only a young child surviving. The tragic event unfolded in the Limpopo province when the bus, carrying pilgrims, plunged 50 meters off the Mmamatlakala bridge into a ravine, subsequently bursting into flames.
Authorities have identified the bus’s origin as neighboring Botswana, heading towards the town of Moria, renowned for hosting a significant Easter pilgrimage. Preliminary investigations suggest the driver, who is among the deceased, lost control of the vehicle. The cause of the crash is currently under investigation, as confirmed by the Minister of Transport, Sindisiwe Chikunga, during her visit to the scene. Chikunga was in the province promoting a road safety campaign and redirected her schedule in light of the catastrophe.
The news has drawn the attention of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who expressed his deep condolences to the Botswana government and the bereaved families and friends of those who perished.
The sole survivor, an 8-year-old child now receiving medical care, miraculously escaped with serious injuries. The child’s survival is a glimmer of hope amidst the otherwise grim incident.
This tragedy underscores the heightened risk of road accidents in South Africa during the Easter holiday season, a time when many travel for religious pilgrimages. Just last year, over 200 fatalities were recorded over the Easter weekend. The town of Moria, which was the bus’s destination, is a significant religious site for the Zionist Christian Church, drawing hundreds of thousands of pilgrims annually.
The South African government continues to urge caution during this period, as it works to understand the circumstances leading up to this tragic accident and seeks ways to prevent future occurrences.